Monthly Archives: November 2012

How to Make Workers Happy? Optimize Your Office Space

Is your office built for productivity, growth and employee happiness, or is it a dungeon of drudgery and misused space? Did you know that 90% of workers believe that having a better workplace environment could improve overall performance? If your company is preparing to lease commercial office space, remember that your real estate strategy is essential to your overall business strategy. 

When leasing commercial real estate, look for an office that offers key features and qualities that will promote your company’s success. From the flexibility of the space to the amount of natural light in the room, certain characteristics can help to optimize your space for happier employees and increased productivity. Check out our infographic for a visual checklist of office space must-haves. 


How Much Office Space Should I Lease?


Is your company ready for newer, bigger, or more fitting office space? While finding the right space can be a challenge, the results can translate into increased employee satisfaction, productivity, and growth opportunities. One of the primary considerations you will make when looking at new leases is the amount of office space required. With the help of a commercial leasing agent, business owners can find a space that works for their current needs and future goals.

Employee Needs

Moving into a new office can not only help to make an impressive statement to clients but also provide your employees with the space, technology and tools they need to perform at their best. When looking at office space, ensure that there is adequate space for each department or employee to perform their tasks comfortably and effectively. The right office space will provide your team with plenty of room to organize, work, and collaborate, creating a more efficient work environment.

Shared Spaces

Individual office spaces can be complemented by appropriate shared spaces, a combination that can be especially important for collaborative projects. This collaborative office space can mean anything from multiple conference rooms and open seating spaces to an employee cafeteria. By creating distinct spaces for individual and shared tasks, all employees can find a work environment that optimizes their productivity without impinging on a colleague’s.

Plan for the Future

When you are searching for new space, consider both your immediate needs and your long-term vision. An office space with enough square footage or flexibility to accommodate your business a few years down the road can help you stay adaptable without having to move spaces again. 

For more information about leasing commercial office space, please contact Tom Pappas. As managing director at Studley, Inc., Tom specializes in strategic planning within the Denver market and develops real estate strategies to help his clients make sound commercial real estate decisions. Visit us online or call Tom today at (303) 217-2607.