Does LEED Certification Benefit Tenants?

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Going green is more than a passing fad; adopting an energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly office design can help to benefit the earth and your business’ bottom line. If you are looking to secure any commercial property or office space, consider meeting the government’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, certifications as part of your build-out plans. Doing so can result in a number of advantages for your company, including:

Cost Savings

Negotiating with your landlord to include LEED certification in your build-out agreement can result in significant long-term cost savings for you and your landlord. Because green buildings require less energy to operate, they also generate reduced utility costs. If utilities are included in your commercial lease agreement, your business will see these savings directly. If they are not your responsibility, you can still use the prospect of lower energy costs to negotiate a reduction in your rent. A tenant representative can work with you to explain the benefits of LEED certification to your landlord.

Efficiency Increases

LEED-certified buildings don’t simply improve energy efficiency; they also improve human efficiency. According to a 2009 Michigan State study, the health and stress-related benefits of LEED buildings led to an increase in 39 work hours per person per year and increased productivity from $69,601 to more than $250,000. When done well, a LEED build-out makes you and your employees happier and more productive.

Environmental Benefits

One of the main goals of LEED certification, of course, is to protect the environment. Because fewer resources are used during both the building process and day-to-day operations, LEED buildings help your business to reduce its environmental impact. If your company is committed to being environmentally-responsible, building a green office space is a good way of increasing your company’s reputation and visibility. In addition, LEED buildings are often eligible for special tax incentives and can help attract clients who share your passion for sustainability.

The benefits of making commercial property more energy-efficient can make LEED certification an attractive quality in your office space. Your tenant representative can help you negotiate with and convince your landlord of the need for green design.

To work with an established and experienced tenant representative, contact Tom Pappas. As managing director at Studley, Inc., Tom specializes in strategic planning within the Denver market and develops real estate strategies to help his clients make sound commercial real estate decisions. Visit us online or call Tom today at (720) 259-1809.

Posted on December 21, 2012, in TENANT REPRESENTATION and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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