An Overview of the Advantages Offered by LEED Certification


Leadership in in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification is awarded to businesses which make an effort to reduce their environmental impact through sustainable engineering and energy-efficient measures. Reducing energy consumption not only offers several financial benefits, but it can also improve overall employee health and productivity. Read on to see how LEED-certified commercial real estate can help your business with:

Risk Mitigation

An energy-efficient infrastructure can help protect your business’ interests and public image. LEED-certification optimizes your building’s efficiency beyond the code-required minimums, thereby minimizing your business’ ecological impact and reducing the risk of future lawsuits.

Overhead Costs

LEED-certified buildings cost less to operate and maintain. By moving into an LEED-certified commercial real estate building, your business will either save on utility costs directly or have more leverage in negotiating a lower rent. Additionally, data from the USGBC shows that obtaining LEED certification for existing commercial buildings can reduce operating costs by as much as 8.5% and increase building value by 6.8%.

Corporate Image

Going green isn’t practical from a financial standpoint; it also improves your visibility and reputation with both potential clients, especially if they are the “green” industry or are looking for an eco-friendly company to do business with. In fact, a case study in the American Journal of Public Health reported that LEED measures improved employee productivity by 2.6%. LEED certification can also qualify your business for regional and federal government tax credits.

To speak with experienced tenant representative about how your business can save money on a lease for a LEED-certified site, contact Tom Pappas Commercial Real Estate of Denver, CO. We will work to negotiate a competitive leasing offer while protecting your business’ best interests. Call (303) 217-2607 or contact us online to set up a professional consultation.

Posted on March 29, 2013, in TENANT REPRESENTATION. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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