About Tom

Tom Pappas

Managing Director
Transaction Volume
2.1 million SFSpecialties
T. 303.302.5140
Professional Expertise
In his role as managing director, Mr. Pappas is the sole national and international point of contact for local online marketing company ReachLocal’s portfolio which includes more than 45 properties. Mr. Pappas focuses his attention on financial structuring and strategic planning within the Denver market. His financial expertise and in-depth knowledge of the market enables him to help his clients make sounds real estate decisions that promote sustained cost savings, generate employee retention and enhance corporate identity. Throughout his career, Mr. Pappas has completed more than 2.1 million square feet of transactions for high-profile firms National Cinemedia, CSG Systems, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig, and Tri-County Health Department.Tom started his career in commercial real estate as an asset manager, underwriting and managing a one-million-square-foot office portfolio.  His experience working on the landlord/building owner side has given him a comprehensive understanding of building operations. This knowledge provides his clients with the insight that leads to a substantial advantage in negotiations and produces significant savings. Through demographic and labor pool studies, Tom develops real estate strategies that enable space users to align real estate to their core organizational objectives. He has helped numerous companies make sound real estate decisions that promote sustained cost savings, generate employee retention, and enhance corporate identity.
Activities & Achievements
Tom is a member of the National Golden Key Honor Society. He also serves as a tutor in the Learning Effectiveness Program (LEP), an organization that helps college students with learning disabilities. Tom is also involved with Urban Peak, an award-winning non-profit that serves homeless at-risk children.
Tom holds a Masters of Science in Real Estate and Construction Management and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration both from the University of Denver.<script type=”text/javascript”> adroll_adv_id = “CWWWKBPQ4VCSXDVSYUTNZ6”; adroll_pix_id = “7VYQC3P4LJHT5OV3K4OKUD”; (function () { var oldonload = window.onload; window.onload = function(){ __adroll_loaded=true; var scr = document.createElement(“script”); var host = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://s.adroll.com” : “http://a.adroll.com“); scr.setAttribute(‘async’, ‘true’); scr.type = “text/javascript”; scr.src = host + “/j/roundtrip.js”; ((document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’) || [null])[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0].parentNode).appendChild(scr); if(oldonload){oldonload()}}; }()); </script>

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