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How to Make Workers Happy? Optimize Your Office Space

Is your office built for productivity, growth and employee happiness, or is it a dungeon of drudgery and misused space? Did you know that 90% of workers believe that having a better workplace environment could improve overall performance? If your company is preparing to lease commercial office space, remember that your real estate strategy is essential to your overall business strategy. 

When leasing commercial real estate, look for an office that offers key features and qualities that will promote your company’s success. From the flexibility of the space to the amount of natural light in the room, certain characteristics can help to optimize your space for happier employees and increased productivity. Check out our infographic for a visual checklist of office space must-haves. 


How Much Office Space Should I Lease?


Is your company ready for newer, bigger, or more fitting office space? While finding the right space can be a challenge, the results can translate into increased employee satisfaction, productivity, and growth opportunities. One of the primary considerations you will make when looking at new leases is the amount of office space required. With the help of a commercial leasing agent, business owners can find a space that works for their current needs and future goals.

Employee Needs

Moving into a new office can not only help to make an impressive statement to clients but also provide your employees with the space, technology and tools they need to perform at their best. When looking at office space, ensure that there is adequate space for each department or employee to perform their tasks comfortably and effectively. The right office space will provide your team with plenty of room to organize, work, and collaborate, creating a more efficient work environment.

Shared Spaces

Individual office spaces can be complemented by appropriate shared spaces, a combination that can be especially important for collaborative projects. This collaborative office space can mean anything from multiple conference rooms and open seating spaces to an employee cafeteria. By creating distinct spaces for individual and shared tasks, all employees can find a work environment that optimizes their productivity without impinging on a colleague’s.

Plan for the Future

When you are searching for new space, consider both your immediate needs and your long-term vision. An office space with enough square footage or flexibility to accommodate your business a few years down the road can help you stay adaptable without having to move spaces again. 

For more information about leasing commercial office space, please contact Tom Pappas. As managing director at Studley, Inc., Tom specializes in strategic planning within the Denver market and develops real estate strategies to help his clients make sound commercial real estate decisions. Visit us online or call Tom today at (303) 217-2607.

Search and Sign: Commercial Real Estate Resources for Further Reading

Signing Your Denver Commercial Lease

As you begin your search for commercial property to lease or purchase, consider adding a commercial real estate broker to your team. His or her market knowledge, property analysis, and negotiation experience can help you make an informed decision that complements your company’s goals. From searching for the right property to signing the lease agreement, here are some additional resources on leasing commercial property:

  • For companies expanding or opening new offices, the terms of their lease agreement can dictate the flexibility and growth potential of that office or business. This government guide to leasing commercial space provides tenants with more information about what should be included in your lease and what to know before you begin negotiations.
  • When you do enter into lease agreement negotiations, identify the core needs and requirements that you want included in the contract. This guide from Entrepreneur Magazine provides more guidance on how to negotiate a commercial lease, including hiring a commercial real estate broker.
  • When searching for commercial property, ask yourself a few essential questions to help you find the appropriate space: Should I buy or rent? Where are my customers, what can I afford, and does this space align with the company’s future goals? For more information about finding commercial space for rent, consult this legal guide to commercial property.

For more information about commercial real estate, please contact Tom Pappas. As managing director at Studley, Inc., Tom specializes in strategic planning within the Denver market and develops real estate strategies to help his clients make sound commercial real estate decisions. Visit us online or call Tom today at (720) 259-1809.

Generation Y and the Workplace: What Does the Future Office Look Like?


What do young people seek in a workplace? Is the office of the Baby Boomer different from the one that belongs to Generation Y? How do generational preferences influence workplace environment and capabilities? 

Dr. Michael O’Neill, Senior Director of Workplace Research at Knoll, Inc., asks and offers insight into these questions about generational preferences and the workplace in his white paper, “Generational Preferences: A Glimpse into the Future Office”. In the paper, Dr. O’Neill explores the workplace preferences of four distinct generations in different categories, including physical comfort, acoustic privacy, meeting spaces, and engaging workplace. He finds that, as workplaces transition from Baby Boomer preferences to those of Generation Y, four central themes have emerged as guiding principles for how the future office will look and function.

Read the entire white paper by downloading the PDF or viewing it on our Facebook page.

For more information about locating commercial office space, please contact Tom Pappas. As managing director at Studley, Inc., Tom specializes in strategic planning within the Denver market and develops real estate strategies to help his clients make sound commercial real estate decisions. Visit us online or call Tom today at (720) 259-1809.

Commercial Office Classifications and Leases

Commercial Office Building Denver

Working in the right office space can help a company to grow in both productivity and visibility. With the economy in flux and landlords seemingly inflexible in their terms, though, securing that space can be difficult. Instead of feeling restricted or exploited by your office lease, do your research and consider working with a commercial real estate broker. With an intimate knowledge of available space, commercial lease agreements, and landlord tactics, a tenant representative can help you secure a space that encourages growth and productivity.

  • The first step in negotiating a flexible and agreeable commercial lease is to understand the various terms of that lease. Your commercial real estate broker and legal team will have the experience necessary to identify and take advantage of opportunities within those terms, benefiting your best interests over the landlord’s. Read more about commercial lease terms with this legal summary.
  • Depending on your company’s current needs and long-term goals, you may want a state-of-the-art office building or an older facility with more flexible rental rates. With his or her knowledge of office space classification, your commercial real estate broker can show you only those spaces that suit your specific needs and criteria.
  • Whether you are looking for or have already secured office space, continue to minimize the company’s expenses and carbon footprint by going green at the office. This Energy Star guide offers more information about energy-efficient leased space, including the impact of electronics upgrades and negotiating with your landlord.

For more information about commercial office space, please contact Tom Pappas. As managing director at Studley, Inc., Tom specializes in strategic planning within the Denver market and develops real estate strategies to help his clients make sound commercial real estate decisions. Visit us online or call Tom today at (720) 259-1809.

The Different Classes of Commercial Real Estate

When you are purchasing or leasing commercial office space, criteria to consider includes building location, leasing flexibility, and property classification. Finding the office space of the appropriate classification can help companies and businesses to work efficiently, connect with clients easily, and develop corporate identity. If you are looking for new office space, a commercial real estate broker can help you to understand the different classes of space and negotiate a beneficial lease agreement.

  • Class A Office Space: Of the three different classes of office space, Class A properties are generally those of the highest quality in design, functionality and amenities. Class A properties are also well-located with access to clients, resources, and roadways. While Class A buildings tend to boast better construction and infrastructure, they can command high rent rates and stricter leasing negotiations for prospective tenants.
  • Class B Office Space: Like Class A properties, Class B buildings are typically well-built spaces in a desirable location but are over 10 years old. Because Class B properties are often targeted by investors for renovation into Class A properties, leasing in a Class B building could be a strategic and beneficial move for some companies.
  • Class C Office Space: A Class C commercial property is usually over 25 years old. It may also be in a less desirable location with outdated technology or architecture. While Class C buildings tend to require extensive renovation, they usually offer the lowest rental rates and are often targeted for eventual redevelopment.

For more information about renting commercial office space, please contact Tom Pappas. As managing director at Studley, Inc., Tom specializes in strategic planning within the Denver market and develops real estate strategies to help his clients make sound commercial real estate decisions. Visit us online or call Tom today at (720) 259-1809.

Tenant Representation and Real Estate Advocacy: Resources for Further Reading


With tenants and landlords both negotiating for a better deal, navigating the commercial real estate waters can be a challenge. If you are a tenant in search of new office space, consider working with a commercial real estate broker to help you secure a space that works for you and on your terms. With an in-depth knowledge of the Denver market, Tom Pappas represents and advocates for tenants exclusively to help them make sound real estate decisions. For more information about commercial real estate, contact Tom and read through some of the resources below.

  • Selecting an office space involves more than just measurements and having adequate meeting space. In addition to researching the location around the building, inquire about a building’s amenities, accessibility, and tenants. Learning more about your office space options can help you to avoid sharing space with a competitor and to create a comfortable space for employees.
  • When renting commercial office space, tenants will find that the commercial lease agreement they sign dictates how much they pay and how much protection they have against the landlord. To help you interpret the terms and conditions of your commercial lease, have a commercial real estate broker review the lease and read more about commercial lease agreements.
  • If you are a commercial real estate professional or someone looking for office space, refer to the resources provided by BOMA International. Setting the standards for commercial real estate assessment, the Building Owners and Managers Association also provides additional articles and statistics to help you make an informed real estate decision.

For more information about commercial real estate, please contact Tom Pappas. As managing director at Studley, Inc., Tom specializes in strategic planning within the Denver market and develops real estate strategies to help his clients make sound commercial real estate decisions. Visit us online or call Tom today at (720) 259-1809.