
Jim McGrath, As Senior Vice President and Branch Manager of Studley’s Denver office, Jim is a tenured real estate professional with more than 24 years of experience representing commercial tenants in the Denver area. Throughout his career, he has managed more than eight million square feet of transactions valued at over $900 million.  For more information on Tom, see

Ty Lufman, Assistant Director has a fifteen year background as a lawyer having practiced as both internal and external counsel specializing in real estate.  This experience has provided Ty with valuable insight into lease and purchase/sale agreements from both a tenant’s and landlord’s perspective.  This insight provides value to our clients in the form of risk mitigation and reduced legal fees during negotiations.  For more information on Ty, see

Ted Harris, Managing Director, is a sixteen year veteran in the commercial real estate industry.  Ted’s prior experience representing both landlords and tenants in the high technology industry in the Northwest Corridor surrounding Boulder, Colorado has given him valuable insight into the unique requirements of high technology companies and fast growing start ups.  Ted has a comprehensive understanding of land values and asset values which helps our clients evaluate overall cost in various transaction structures.  For more information on Ted, see

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